
Charles Jukes Ostrom

Obituary –

Charles J. Ostrom

Fultonville, March 10. –Charles Jukes Ostrom, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ostrom, of Glen, died at his home in this village Monday noon.

Mr. Ostrom was born on the homestead farm near Glen on Nov. 5, 1840. He was graduated from a commercial school at Poughkeepsie. In early manhood he came to Fultonville and entered the employ of Argersinger and Wemple, drygoods merchants, later becoming the bookkeeper in the foundry firm of W.B. Wemple & Sons. In 1869, upon the death of Andrew Abel, dissolving the partnership of Abel & Morrison, drygoods merchants, Mr. Ostrom became a member of the firm John H. Morrison & Co., the other member of the firm being Wellington Cross.

After a year Mr. Ostrom was forced to give up mercantile pursuits owing to failing health, and he returned to his father’s home. He has been a patient sufferer from progressive paralysis for forty-five years. Possessed of a bright mind and unusual ability, he took a keen interest in all public affairs, retaining his faculties until the end. For several years he held the position of bookkeeper for the Glen Creamery company of Glen, still retaining the position after moving to Fultonville four years ago.

In 1865, two years after its organization, he became a member of Fultonville lodge, No. 531, F. and A. M. The friends which he made when first coming to this village, have ever held him in the highest esteem and respect, and together with his large circle of acquaintances in the vicinity, will feel his loss and sympathize with his family.

Mr. Ostrom is survived by three sisters, Mrs. W.B. Cross, of this village, Mrs. Hoagland Baird, of Glen, and Mrs. Jacob Nellis, of Paterson, N.J., and one brother, Stephen, of Fultonville. The funeral will be held at his home Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock, the Rev. E.B. Irish officiating. The remains will be placed in Maple Avenue vault to be interred later in the family plot in the Glen Cemetery.

“Charles J. Ostrom,” obituary, Amsterdam Evening Recorder [Amsterdam, N.Y.], Tuesday, 10 March 1914, page 12, column 6; digital image, Old Fulton N.Y. Post Cards (http://fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html : accessed 5  February 2017), Historical Newspaper Pages collection.

Edwards lineage

Charles Jukes Ostrom (Anna Maria Edwards, John Edwards, William Edwards)

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